-> React
API Reference

User guide for use in React projects

  1. Install @ricky0123/vad-react:

    npm i @ricky0123/vad-react
  2. Follow the bundling instructions for @ricky0123/vad-web. To recap, you need to serve the worklet and onnx files that come distributed with @ricky0123/vad-web and the wasm files from onnxruntime-web, which will both be pulled in as dependencies.

  3. Use the useMicVAD hook to start the voice activity detector:

    import { useMicVAD } from "@ricky0123/vad-react"

    const MyComponent = () => {
    const vad = useMicVAD({
    startOnLoad: true,
    onSpeechEnd: (audio) => {
    console.log("User stopped talking")
    return <div>{vad.userSpeaking && "User is speaking"}</div>

    See the docs for useMicVAD for details.